Weighmetric Filler BM 300

weightmetric filler machine manufacturers

Manufacturer & Exporter of Weighmetric Filler & Weighmetric Filler BM 300. Our product range also comprises of Biomass Fuel Briquetting Plant, Paper Corrugating Machine and Corrugated Cardboard & Box Making Unit.

Weigh metric Filling Machines incorporates Weigh metric load cell systems for weighing. Suitable for accurate weighing and filling of odd shaped or high cost products like dry fruits, snack food, namkeen mixture, rice, sugar, tea, grams etc.

The Weighmetric Filler weighs with the help of electronic load cells, controlled by a microprocessor based control panel, which accurately weighs the product up to the set weight and releases the same into a container or pouch.

Filling Range : 50 to 1000 gms
(All sizes can be done on one machine).

Speed : 5 to 25 fills/min Available in one to four head models